
6 Employee Recruitment Strategies to Find Top Talent - theEMPLOYEEapp

6 Employee Recruitment Strategies to Find Top Talent

6 Employee Recruitment Strategies to Find Top Talent

Are you struggling to recruit employees fast enough? Or struggling with finding the right people for your open roles? Look no further! We have six employee recruitment strategies that can help you elevate your recruiting game.

What Are Employee Recruitment Strategies?

Employee recruitment strategies, also known as talent acquisition strategies, are deliberate, organized plans and approaches that organizations use to attract, identify, and hire top talent. 

We need these strategies to help us compete in a competitive job market and to find the right candidates for your business.

Talent acquisition strategies encompass a range of activities, including:

  1. Talent Identification: Understanding the specific skills, qualifications, and attributes required for each job opening is the foundation of any recruitment strategy. Clear job descriptions and candidate profiles help align expectations.
  2. Sourcing Channels: Recruitment strategies involve determining where and how to find potential candidates. This includes leveraging job boards, social media platforms, networking events, employee referrals, and partnerships with educational institutions.
  3. Employer Branding: Building and maintaining a positive employer brand is crucial for attracting top talent. A strong employer brand conveys an organization’s values, culture, and reputation as a desirable place to work.
  4. Candidate Experience: Creating a positive and respectful experience for candidates throughout the recruitment process is vital. Effective communication, timely feedback, and transparency are essential elements of a candidate-centric approach.
  5. Diversity and Inclusion: Recruitment strategies should prioritize diversity and inclusion to ensure that the candidate pool represents a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
  6. Assessment and Selection: Developing standardized assessment methods and selection criteria helps evaluate candidates objectively and identify the best fit for the organization.
  7. Interview and Evaluation: Conducting structured interviews and evaluation processes, including skills assessments and behavioral interviews, can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the role.
  8. Cost-Effectiveness: Balancing recruitment costs with effectiveness is crucial. Strategies should aim to minimize expenses while maximizing the quality of hires.

Employee recruitment represented by a string of blocks with people icons on them in a row.

Why is Recruiting so Important?

Recruiting is a cornerstone of organizational success. 

Without a strong employee recruitment strategy, your business won’t have access to top talent and the increased diversity and innovation that comes with it. Not to mention, if you aren’t actively recruiting, you open your company up to risk without sufficient succession planning.

But when you do have a thoughtful strategy for hiring new employees, you position yourself to remain more competitive and maintain higher levels of productivity. 

A good recruiting strategy also leads to stronger person-organization fit—meaning, your employees will be better fits for your culture, the role they’re hired for, and your mission. And this better fit from the outset naturally also leads to stronger employee engagement and satisfaction, which are both keys to long-term success.

How Do You Recruit Employees Effectively?

Recruiting employees effectively requires a strategic blend of marketing your organization, identifying the right candidates, and maintaining a candidate-centric approach throughout the hiring journey. By following these steps and continually refining your recruitment process, you can increase your chances of finding and hiring the best talent for your organization: 

  1. Write clear job descriptions. These should outline the role’s responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations. This helps both recruiters and candidates understand the position.
  2. Focus on the job listing. Think of this like an ad. Too often, these aren’t edited, interesting, or made to stand out. Take a page out of the marketing team’s playbook and rethink your job ads.
  3. Don’t sleep on employee referrals. Your employees are an incredible recruiting resource. Encourage employee referrals by offering incentives for recommending qualified candidates.
  4. Get creative. Online job postings are getting crowded, so they aren’t always enough to find talent quickly, especially if you’re a lesser known brand. So attend industry events and other networking gatherings to connect with potential candidates.
  5. Offer the information candidates want up front. Don’t hide your pay range, perks, and what makes your company special. People are far more likely to want to apply if they can confirm that the role is a good fit for them and their lifestyle.

One wood carving of a person apart from the rest and being observed under a magnifying glass.

6 Employee Recruitment Strategies to Try

To attract the best talent in your recruiting process, try these strategies:

1. Lead with your values. 

A LinkedIn study found that 8 in 10 people want their employers’ values to match theirs. Your values are absolutely critical. And they are part of what makes you unique from other businesses. You should keep them front and center in all your recruiting activities.

2. Set goals and keep them top of mind.

What are your recruiting goals? Do you even have targets for the number of candidates you’d like to screen and interview? How much recruiter outreach are you doing vs. expecting to have from your job listings?

Actually setting SMART goals for your employee recruitment strategies is a strategy in and of itself. This will help you know if your tactics are working. And it will help you set internal benchmarks to assess the ROI of your efforts.

3. Become social media pros.

Your LinkedIn job posting just isn’t going to cut it anymore. There are so many jobs out there, it’s going to take a multichannel approach to get enough visibility on your open positions.

And social media is a great channel to tap into. Not to mention, you can partner with your marketing team and their expertise to make social media posts that stand out and drive more interest in the open roles you’re recruiting for.

4. Create an amazing careers website page.

Don’t let your Careers page on your website be a second thought. Really put some time, energy, and thought into what you include on that page. And think about it from the perspective of a job candidate.

What do they want to see and care about? What sets you apart from other companies with similar job openings?

This is where you can stress your values and mission. Include testimonials from employees to give candidates a sense of your culture and what makes your company great. And make sure it’s easy to navigate—you don’t want to turn away great candidates by having a bad or unclear website experience.

5. Opt for a human touch, not an automated one.

With the rise of AI, you’re going to see a lot of people touting AI as a recruiting tool. But ask yourself: would you rather interact with a chatbot or a person when applying for a job?

A person, right?

Choosing where to work is a deeply personal and complex decision. Naturally, candidates are going to want to feel seen and prioritized in the hiring process.

Not to mention, having a human touch and personalizing the touchpoints in the hiring process is a great way to stand out from your competitors—who might be relying on the robots to save a buck.

6. Consider using Google ads for open positions.

Another great employee recruitment strategy is to tap into the power of search. But getting your job openings to list organically takes way too long. Instead, consider using a paid ad spot on Google to get more impressions on your open positions and hire candidates who are searching for the role(s) you’re hiring for.

Considerations for Recruiting Remote Workers

If you’re recruiting employees for remote positions, you’ll need to consider how your recruiting and hiring processes might need to change. This might include:

  • Expanding your search radius. One of the biggest benefits of remote work is that it gives companies access to a much wider talent pool. But employing talent globally has implications—different laws and policies will be in place. Even different states have different legal requirements. So you have to carefully consider how wide a net to cast.
  • Remote role suitability. When assessing candidates, it’s important to also consider if they will succeed in a remote role. Make sure you ask questions to learn more about their work style and the level of support they may require.
  • Clear job descriptions. Having a well crafted job description is always critical, but especially for remote roles. You want to make sure you are attracting the right talent for your remote role, especially considering remote roles have very high application rates.
  • Remote hiring technology. Unlike in-office jobs where candidates will be asked to come in for an interview, you have to make sure you set up a virtual interview process.

Considerations for Recruiting Frontline Workers

But what about hiring for frontline positions? With more than 80% of the workforce being in a role that doesn’t have them sitting behind a desk, this is a huge consideration for many companies.

When hiring frontline employees, keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Speed to hiring. In frontline industries (especially those with high turnover), you can’t waste time in the recruiting and hiring process. If you put candidates through too many hoops, you’re likely to lose them to another business. So, keep the process short but still thorough enough to hire the right people.
  • Put your best foot forward. In a competitive market, you’re being interviewed by candidates just as much as you are interviewing them. Help train your hiring managers on strong communication and how to create a solid first impression.
  • Post positions in the right places. Find the right job boards, especially ones specific for industry niches, to get eyes on your frontline openings.



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