
Mobile Collaboration Apps for Boosting Deskless Productivity

How to Choose the Mobile Collaboration Apps for Deskless Workforce

How to Choose the Mobile Collaboration Apps for Deskless Workforce

Last updated on August 20, 2024 at 07:02 am

Are you aware that poor communication is a major cause of wasted money in organizations in the United States, amounting to $1.2 trillion dollars within a year? This figure is rather worrying for businesses that have a large proportion of deskless workforce.

Business today requires communication, and this is why it is important to be connected at all times. This is particularly so for the globally recognized 80% of employees who are deskless workers. Healthcare givers, call center personnel, retail store personnel, and other employees in different business organizations encounter communication and collaboration barriers.

Mobile collaboration apps have emerged as a vital solution to bridge this gap. Now that there is a wide choice, how can one select the most appropriate one for the team? So, here are the most important aspects that should be taken into consideration when choosing mobile collaboration tools for deskless employees.

Understanding the Needs of Your Deskless Workforce

Deskless workers have complex and constantly changing working conditions that demand effective communication tools. These employees need real-time and reliable communication most of the time as they are on the move or working in different locations.

Indeed, a study carried out among workers revealed that as many as 62% of respondents stated that mobile devices enhanced worker productivity, thus underscoring the relevance of mobile solutions.

Effective task management is another critical need. Deskless workers benefit from tools that streamline assignment distribution and progress tracking. This helps ensure that all team members are informed and on the same level, regardless of their location. Thus, mobile collaboration apps for deskless employees should include features that enable the creation of tasks, assignments, and tracking.

Two major factors to consider when selecting mobile collaboration platforms are accessibility and usability. The app should be easily usable and can be installed on different devices so that workers experience a convenient way of obtaining information and communicating. Bear in mind that most deskless employees might not be tech-savants; thus, the design must be friendly to ensure that it is adopted.

Additionally, consider the specific needs of your industry. For instance, healthcare workers might require HIPAA-compliant messaging, while retail staff may need inventory management integration. Tailoring your choice to your sector’s unique requirements will ensure maximum utility.

Also Read: Top 10 Intranet Apps for Boosting Team Collaboration and Efficiency

Key Features to Look for in Mobile Collaboration Apps

When evaluating mobile collaboration apps for a deskless workforce, consider these essential features:

1. Real-time Messaging and Notifications

Deskless employees require instant communication. When choosing applications, it is necessary to choose those that have characteristics like real-time messaging and push notifications to keep all the members of the group active. To ensure accountability features like the read receipt and the delivery receipt can be incorporated.

2. Offline Functionality

A significant number of deskless workers operate in areas with poor internet connectivity. Select an application that permits the use of offline mode, and the application can synchronize with information once connected to the internet. This will make sure that there is productivity all the time without the influence of the networks.

3. Voice and Video Calls

Sometimes, text-based communication isn’t enough. Apps with voice and video call capabilities enable more personal and efficient interactions when needed. This can be particularly useful for remote training or troubleshooting complex issues.

4. Task Management and Scheduling

It is advisable to go with apps that provide robust task management features. This helps in assigning, tracking, and completing tasks efficiently. Therefore, look for features like task prioritization, deadline reminders, and progress tracking to increase productivity.

5. Ease of Use

The user interface of the app must be as simple as possible and thus requires minimal training. This assists in the fast track of adoption as well as the sustained usage by the workforce in your organizationThink of apps with customizable interfaces that can be tailored according to your team’s specific needs.

6. Integration Capabilities

Select a platform that integrates with your existing tools and systems. This streamlines workflows and prevents information silos. Integration with popular productivity tools, CRM systems, or industry-specific software can greatly increase the application’s utility.

7. Security Features

Given that sensitive data is being shared, secure communication methods are a must. Choose the app with options for end-to-end encrypted messages, safe authentication methods, and compliance with industry rules (for instance, HIPAA for health-related companies).

8. Performance Analytics

Choose apps that offer insights into usage patterns and engagement levels. This data can help you optimize your communication strategies over time. Look for features like usage reports, engagement metrics, and productivity analytics.

Also Read: How Does Employee Intranet Help Improve Team Collaboration?

Evaluating Mobile Collaboration Apps

To select the right mobile collaboration apps for deskless workers, follow these steps:

1. Assess Your Workforce Needs

Start by understanding your team’s specific requirements. Consider factors like team size, work environment, and existing communication challenges. Conduct surveys or focus groups to gather input directly from your deskless workers.

2. Trial and Feedback

Implement a pilot program with a small group of users. Collect feedback on usability, features, and overall satisfaction. This hands-on experience is invaluable in making proper decisions. Try to have a balance of people from different organizational units and positions in the pilot group.

3. Cost-Benefit Analysis

The cost would be identified as the amount that would be required to implement and maintain the application compared to the benefits that the organization may accrue. Consider factors like increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction, and potential cost savings from streamlined processes. Don’t forget to consider the costs of training and other support.

4. Vendor Support and Training

Choose a vendor that offers comprehensive support and training resources. This ensures smooth implementation and ongoing assistance as needed. Make sure to select a vendor that can offer 24/7 support, regular updates, and a robust knowledge base.

5. Scalability

Think about the growth expectations of your company. Choose an application that can grow with your business, accommodating an increasing number of users and evolving features without compromising performance.

Also Read: Employee Engagement Apps vs. Intranets: What’s Best for Your Deskless Workforce?

How to Implement and Encourage Adoption of Mobile Apps

Successful implementation of mobile collaboration apps for deskless employees involves more than just selecting the right tool. Consider these strategies:

1. Training and Support

Provide thorough training on app usage. Offer ongoing support to address any issues or questions that arise during the adoption phase. Consider creating a dedicated support team or appointing “app champions” within each department to assist their colleagues.

2. Feedback Mechanisms

Establish channels for users to provide feedback on the app. This allows for continuous improvement and demonstrates that you value employee input. Regular surveys, feedback sessions, or an in-app suggestion box can be effective ways to gather user insights.

3. Management Involvement

Explain to the management that they should be the first example of the app usage. When the leaders utilize the platform often, then others feel that they too should be involved often with the same. Consider incorporating app usage into performance metrics to underscore its importance.

4. Phased Roll-out

Instead of a company-wide launch, consider a phased approach. Start with a single department or location, address any issues, and then gradually expand to other areas. This allows for smoother adoption and easier troubleshooting.

5. Gamification

Introduce elements of gamification to encourage app usage. This could include, for example, the active users’ leaderboard, the badges for certain actions, or the rewards for achieving certain usage levels. This makes the adoption process even more enjoyable and entertaining for the users.

6. Regular Updates and Communication

Compulsive communication with the workforce about new features, updates, and best practices is essential. Regular communication about the app’s benefits and success stories can help maintain enthusiasm and engagement.

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Selecting the proper mobile collaboration application for deskless workers who perform tasks in the field is a crucial decision that significantly impacts organizational effectiveness and workers’ job satisfaction. By understanding your team’s needs, evaluating key features, and following a structured implementation process, you can harness these powerful tools to unleash their full potential.

Keep in mind that the ultimate aim is to provide an ability for the deskless workers to engage, interact, and work on the organizational project irrespective of where they are. That is why having a perfect tool becomes the key to higher engagement and productivity of the employees. In this context, The EMPLOYEE app is an ideal option to consider, as it can help organize effective and efficient mobile collaboration. 

Request a demo today to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the main benefits of mobile collaboration apps for deskless workers?

Mobile collaboration apps enhance communication as well as help in completing tasks on time and boost productivity among deskless workers since they can access information and relevant tools in real-time anytime they are on the move.

2. How do I encourage high acceptance of a new mobile collaboration app?

Encourage adoption by providing comprehensive training, gathering and acting on user feedback, and ensuring active participation from management.

3. What’s important to look for when it comes to security in mobile collaboration apps?

To ensure the safety of your company’s information, look for apps with end-to-end encryption, secure authentication methods, and compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

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