By theEMPLOYEEapp Comments are Off Effective Internal Communication, Improving Internal Communication, internal communication best practices, Internal communication challenges, internal communication strategy
Imagine this: Despite millions of dollars being spent on marketing and creating flawless external communications, employees are disengaged or unsure about the company’s objectives behind closed doors. Why is this the case? A broken internal communication plan is one factor that affects the most important component of every organization: its workforce. Strong internal communication boosts employee involvement and ultimately ensures
By theEMPLOYEEapp Comments are Off Employee communication risks, internal communication, Internal communication challenges, Internal communication common risks, Internal communication problems, Internal communication risk prevention, Internal communication risks, Internal communication risks and solutions, internal communication solutions, Organizational internal communication risks
Silence is golden, but when it comes to internal communication, silence can be costly. Think about being guided into a room while blindfolded; that’s the type of obstacle you face with an absence of effective internal communication at work. A Gallup survey reveals that organizations with engaged employees register 23% higher profitability and a 10% increase in customer satisfaction. This underscores the importance of