By theEMPLOYEEapp Comments are Off Internal influencer communication strategy, Internal influencer strategy, Role of internal influencers in communications strategy, What is internal communications responsible for?, What is the internal influencer strategy?, What is the strategic role of internal communication?
You’ve just launched a fantastic new company initiative. It’s innovative, efficient, and poised to revolutionize your team’s work. Yet, weeks later, adoption is slow, and confusion fills the breakroom. What went wrong? The answer often lies in a communication gap. Studies show that 86% of employees and businesses cite ineffective communication as a major cause of workplace problems. Thankfully, there’s a strategic
By theEMPLOYEEapp Comments are Off Do and don'ts in HR communication, dos and don'ts of hr communication, Dos and Don’ts of HR communication at work, HR Communication, HR communication at work, HR communication don'ts, HR communication dos, HR communication dos and don'ts, HR communication in workplace, HR communication updates
Effective communication within the human resources department is fundamental for maintaining a positive organizational culture. When HR effectively communicates company policies, updates, and initiatives, employees feel well-informed, appreciated, and engaged in the organization’s success. On the other hand, employees can become frustrated, receive wrong information, and disengage due to unclear or confusing communication. This blog will discuss the importance of
By theEMPLOYEEapp Comments are Off Automation changes in frontline jobs, Frontline Jobs, Frontline Worker Jobs, How did automation change frontline job roles?, How is Automation Affecting Frontline Workers Jobs?, Negative effects of automation, Negative impact of automation on employment, Negative impact of automation on frontline employment, Positive impact of automation on employment, What are the challenges automation poses for frontline workers?
Automation uses technology to streamline work processes, making them more efficient and innovative by replacing humans. Once a futuristic idea, automation now shapes millions of workplaces and ensures tasks are performed with precision and speed. Automation changes frontline jobs and places frontline workers at the forefront of this transformation, encountering automated systems in their daily responsibilities. This raises important questions about the impact on
By theEMPLOYEEapp Comments are Off Communication videos for employees, Employee Communication, How to use video for employee communication, How to use video in internal communication?, Internal communications video, Using video for internal communications, Video for employee communication, Video for internal communication, Video ideas for human connection
In today’s digital era, information overload is a significant challenge, inundating us with emails, reports, and constant notifications that can overwhelm and distract us from important tasks. But what if there was a way to cut through the noise and connect with your employees on a deeper level? Video communication is the answer. They bring a human touch to your message, transforming dry announcements
By theEMPLOYEEapp Comments are Off How do you create micro learning content?, How to create microlearning content, Microlearning content, Microlearning content creation, Microlearning examples, Microlearning templates, What is micro learning content?, What is microlearning, What is the tool to create microlearning
You must be wondering, What is microlearning content? Microlearning involves learning modules that concentrate on a goal. These modules are usually brief, lasting from a minute to 15 minutes, which is perfect for busy learners looking to quickly and effortlessly acquire new skills or knowledge. Research indicates that learners tend to lose concentration after 20 minutes. The concise nature of microlearning helps
By theEMPLOYEEapp Comments are Off Benefits of using video for internal communications, Benefits of using video for internal communications with frontline workers, Communication videos for frontline workers, Internal communication videos for frontline workers, Video for internal communications with frontline workers, Why use video for internal communication?
Reaching frontline workers effectively is a perennial challenge in traditional communication settings. Often away from desks and reliant on infrequent access to digital tools, these employees frequently miss out on important updates and organizational changes conveyed through conventional channels like email or printed bulletins. This gap in communication can lead to decreased engagement and a lack of uniformity in executing