
Digital Engagement: The Best Tools to Drive Employee Satisfaction and Retention in a Hybrid World

87% of top corporate leaders feel digitization is a priority, and 91% of companies are involved in some kind of digital effort, according to Gartner. 89% of all businesses have either implemented or intend to implement a digital-first company strategy. So, with a whirlwind of work mode transition into hybrid models, how to deal with digital engagement rates? In comes

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Strengthening Frontline Medical Communication: Leveraging Advanced Digital Tools for Better Collaboration

Studies show that only 35% of frontline employees feel heard, despite 65% of frontline leaders believing they have successful communication techniques, revealing the underlying nature of the frontline disconnection. Similarly, a majority of survey participants (84%) concur that frontline healthcare professionals who have access to apps and collaborative tools will improve the quality of patient care. With a dire requirement for

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Revealed: 8 Strategies For Revolutionizing Workplace Engagement for Today’s Workforce

Imagine entering an office that is a hive of teamwork, energy, and purpose. Doesn’t that sound perfect? To make this a reality for today’s workforce, workplace engagement strategies have become essential. Making employees happy isn’t enough; you must also help them develop a deep connection to your company’s objective. Gong, a leader in revenue intelligence, highlights the power of employee

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Leading by Example: Case Studies of Effective Employer and Employee Communication

Clear communication (in any form – written or spoken) is the backbone of efficient operations for all companies. This is demonstrated by the famous example of the 124-year-old Welsh engineering firm Taylor & Sons Ltd, which was unintentionally liquidated because of a typographical error by Companies House. The fiasco led to the firm’s demise and cost a total of £8.8 million.

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Keeping Teams Connected in 2025: Must-Have Internal Communication Tools

Implementing an effective internal communication strategy is essential for any organization. Choosing the right internal communication tools can help your organization and team remain in sync and deliver better business outcomes. Data suggests that 80% of employees want their organizational leaders to share more information about company performance as part of internal communication and remain updated on the latest happenings within

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Exploring Internal Communication Examples: With Insights from McDonald’s and Google on Deskless and Hybrid Teams

What sets global giants like McDonald’s and Google apart in managing deskless workers and hybrid teams seamlessly while keeping their employees engaged and aligned? These two companies, despite operating in vastly different industries, provide outstanding internal communication examples. Their internal communication strategies are no longer restricted to keeping employees informed. They are designed to nurture collaboration among team members and ensure that

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