
How can video strategies enhance employee communication?

How to Utilize Video to Humanize Corporate and Employee Communications?

How to Utilize Video to Humanize Corporate and Employee Communications?

Last updated on October 5, 2024 at 07:23 am

In today’s digital era, information overload is a significant challenge, inundating us with emails, reports, and constant notifications that can overwhelm and distract us from important tasks.

But what if there was a way to cut through the noise and connect with your employees on a deeper level? Video communication is the answer. They bring a human touch to your message, transforming dry announcements and complex topics into engaging and relatable content.

Communication videos for employees aren’t just for flashy marketing campaigns anymore. It’s a strategic tool for fostering a more humane and engaging work environment.

The Power of Video for Humanizing Communication

Your email is overflowing, documents are stacking up, and messages are constantly popping up on your cell phone. You experience a familiar surge of overwhelming information that could overshadow anything crucial.

There’s a genuine problem with information overload, as it almost merges into a dull blur.

Imagine entering a lively room where a person greets you warmly with kind eyes, providing all the necessary information. This is where video communication stands out.

Text-based communication is effective for brief updates and specific information, but it does not provide the same depth of human connection.

On the contrary, communication videos for employees use nonverbal cues and storytelling to establish a more intimate experience. A genuine grin can establish confidence, an arched brow can indicate interest, and an enthusiastic voice can express belief—all without speaking at all. These subtle nonverbal cues, although powerful, are not communicated in text, making it easy for your message to be misunderstood. 

Storytelling is another formidable ability of video. Videos engage audiences by transforming complex topics into relatable narratives. Video can elicit emotions, pique interest, and make a lasting impact, which is difficult for text to accomplish.

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Types of Videos for Corporate and Employee Communication


Video has become a necessary tool in corporate communication, as it is crucial for engaging with your employees strategically.

Video can assist in developing a more engaged and informed workforce by enhancing leadership communication and promoting team building. We have listed the different types of videos that find use in corporate communication.

1. Leadership Communication

Create a space for executives to hold interactive Q&A sessions, promoting transparency and open communication.

CEOs can make company-wide updates and vision presentations more impactful by using video to visually communicate the company’s direction and goals, which inspires employees and unites them around a common vision.

2. Employee Recognition and Storytelling

Video enables you to honor and recognize the accomplishments and efforts of employees in a significant manner, showcasing the important tasks they perform and enhancing their overall spirits.

Moreover, employees’ testimonies can be effective instruments for promoting your company’s culture. When workers share their experiences of why the company is a wonderful workplace, it builds a sense of community and inclusion for all.

3. Internal Training and Onboarding

Communication videos for employees have the power to revolutionize the learning experience when it comes to training and onboarding. Fun and interactive training sessions can enhance understanding and retention of difficult subjects.

Recently hired employees can also take advantage of virtual onboarding processes that incorporate video to offer a seamless introduction to the organization, their responsibilities, and their co-workers.

4. Team Building and Collaboration

Developing robust teams is crucial, particularly in today’s remote work settings. Video conferencing facilitates virtual team introductions and icebreaker activities, enabling remote employees to connect and establish rapport despite physical distance.

Moreover, videos can enhance brainstorming meetings and project conversations, leading to a more lively and interactive virtual environment that encourages teamwork and solves issues effectively in your groups. 

By integrating video into your communication strategy, you can develop a workforce that is more connected, informed, and motivated.

Also Read: Internal Communication Strategy Checklist [Download]

Creating Effective Videos for Internal Communication


So you’ve seen the power of video in connecting with your employees. Now, let’s explore how to craft internal communication videos that resonate and engage your team.

1.  Planning and Scriptwriting

Before pressing the record button, pause and establish your video’s objectives. Is it for announcing a new company policy, honoring employee accomplishments, or offering training on a new software program? When you have a definite objective, pinpoint your intended audience. Adjust your language, style, and content to connect with their preferences.

Scriptwriting does not have to be intimidating. Consider your script like a roadmap, directing your video and maintaining its focus. Nonetheless, steer clear of scripts that are text-abundant.

Choose a casual style that is friendly and captivating, as if you are having a conversation with your employees one-on-one.

2.  Production and Design

By paying attention to these production basics, you can create professional-looking videos even with a simple smartphone. Good lighting can elevate your video from amateur to polished. Invest in a basic desk lamp or utilize natural light for filming.

Crystal-clear audio is essential for delivering your message effectively. Record in a quiet space and consider using a microphone for improved sound quality. Finally, basic editing techniques can go a long way. Tighten your video by removing unnecessary pauses or awkward silences.

While high-production visuals are great, they’re not always necessary. Simple B-roll footage, relevant images, or basic animations can add visual interest and enhance your message without breaking the bank.

3.  Distribution and Engagement

Once your video is complete, select the right channels for sharing it with your employees. Many companies utilize internal communication apps or a company intranet for housing and distributing video content.

Don’t let your video be a one-way street. Encourage interaction and feedback by enabling comments, polls, or even hosting Q&A sessions after your video launch. This fosters a sense of community and ensures your video is sparking a conversation within your team.

Some video ideas for human connection can be employee spotlight features, behind-the-scenes glimpses of company operations, virtual team-building activities, and interactive training sessions that encourage participation and learning engagement. These approaches help cultivate a more connected and motivated workforce, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose within your organization.

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Benefits of Utilizing Video Communication

The benefits of using video communication are aplenty. Many user-friendly video conferencing platforms are available, making it easier than ever to connect with your team face-to-face, regardless of location.

By using video for internal communications, you can create a more engaged, informed, and connected workforce.

1.  Increased Employee Engagement And Satisfaction

In today’s work environment, fostering a sense of engagement and community is crucial. Video conferencing goes beyond just words on a screen; it allows you to create a more personal and interactive experience for your team.

2.  Improved Information Retention And Understanding

Research by Forbes tells us that processing visual information is “far faster and more aptly” than text or audio. This translates to increased engagement; employees are more likely to stay focused and retain information when they can see the person delivering the message.

3.  Enhanced Sense Of Connection And Company Culture, Especially For Remote Teams

Feeling isolated and disconnected from the company culture can be a real concern. Video conferencing bridges that gap.

Virtual face-to-face interaction allows remote team members to feel included and valued, fostering a stronger sense of connection and belonging. This translates to higher morale and employee satisfaction—a win-win for everyone.

4.  A More Efficient And Cost-Effective Way To Communicate With A Large Workforce

Video conferencing eliminates the need for travel, saving both time and money. You can convene meetings with geographically dispersed teams instantly without the hassle of expensive flights or lengthy commutes.

This allows for more frequent communication and collaboration, ultimately leading to a more productive and streamlined workflow.

Getting Started with Video Communication

Integrating video communication into your workflow can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. This brings us to address the practical aspects related to video communication before implementing it.

1.  Identify Internal Resources Or Explore Affordable Video Creation Tools

Before diving in, explore what resources are already available within your company. Do you have an internal creative team or communications department that can assist with video creation? If not, many affordable video creation tools on the market are user-friendly and won’t break the bank.

2.  Start Small With Pilot Projects And Measure Their Effectiveness

Instead of launching a full-scale video communication rollout, consider starting small with pilot projects.

This allows you to experiment with different video formats and topics to see what resonates with your audience. Focus on creating short, informative videos that address specific needs or interests of your employees.

3.  Encourage Employee Participation And Feedback To Continuously Improve Video Communication Strategies

The most crucial aspect of launching a successful video communication strategy is gathering employee feedback.

Encourage your team to participate by sharing their thoughts and suggestions on the videos you create. This feedback loop is vital for understanding what’s working and what areas need improvement as you refine your video communication approach. 

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Final Words

Gone are the days of dry, text-heavy internal communications. With video, you can infuse your message with personality and spark a real connection with your employees.

Embracing video communication can transform your internal messages from routine updates into meaningful interactions that leave a lasting impact.

Make sure to use video not just to share information but also to build relationships and create a sense of community in your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you use video in internal communication?

When using video for internal communication, it’s important to establish specific goals for each video, create material that speaks to your audience, and maintain high production values to keep viewers interested and the message clear. To create an atmosphere of cooperative communication, distribute movies via the proper channels and promote engagement.

2. What types of content are suitable for video communication in corporate settings?

Video is adaptable and may be utilized for a number of things, including team-building exercises, leadership messaging, employee appreciation, training, and onboarding. Different types of engagement contribute to enhancing the overall efficacy of communication with employees.

3. How can businesses assess the success of their attempts to communicate via video?

Metrics like audience engagement (views, likes, and comments), feedback surveys, and influence on important business objectives (such as increased staff retention and a clearer knowledge of company goals) are some ways that organizations might gauge an initiative’s efficacy. Regular feedback gathering and metrics analysis aid in the optimization of video techniques for optimum impact.

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