
Intranet Security Guide: Best Practices, Threats, and Solutions

Comprehensive Intranet Security Guide: Best Practices, Threats, and Solutions

Comprehensive Intranet Security Guide: Best Practices, Threats, and Solutions

Imagine this! You resume work on Monday after a relaxing weekend. However, as soon as you log in to your organization’s intranet in the morning, you find the project management system has been compromised. You can no longer access your files and sensitive data has been leaked?

In this constantly evolving digital landscape, such incidents are commonplace now, making intranet security systems paramount. While the intranet makes communication and collaboration convenient, it exposes the organization to external and internal threats.

External threats refer to cyber attacks and security breaches that originate from outside the organization’s network, whereas internal threats refer to attacks from within the organization. Consequently, robust and updated intranet security solutions are important to safeguard the organization’s integrity and privacy from such threats.

If you want to know more about intranet security considerations and best practices, you are at the right place. In this comprehensively curated article, we will cover everything you need to know about protecting your organization from cyber threats.

Understanding Intranet Security Threats

Statistics reveal that malware attacks globally have reached 6.06 billion, a 10% increase compared to last year. To understand why malware attacks are increasing at such a fast pace, let’s take a look at common internal and external intranet security threats.

Internal Threats

1. Employee Negligence and Errors

Employee negligence and errors are some of the most common intranet threats. When regular intranet users are not sufficiently trained or updated with the system’s recent changes, they can fall victim to phishing and cyber-attacks.

Therefore, it is crucial to regularly train employees to minimize employee errors and monitor intranet usage.

2. Insider Threats

Statistics reveal globally approximately 12% of employees take sensitive information with them while leaving an organization. Consequently, intranet security can also be compromised due to resentful workers or contractors banding together with outside parties.

3. Data Leaks

Sensitive and private information can be easily leaked through a variety of errors like unauthorized sharing of documents, access through unauthorized devices, mishandling of data, improper use of cloud services, and more.

To ensure the safe use of the intranet network, each employee must be provided with a comprehensive set of guidelines and rules.

4. Weak Passwords and Unsecured Devices

Repeated access through unsecured devices and weak passwords can provide an easy gateway for external threats and attackers. Employees and other intranet users should be regularly reminded to update their passwords and create strong passwords using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

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External Threats

1. Malware and Ransomware

Malware includes various malicious software and viruses that can disrupt the intranet system. In contrast, ransomware is a particular type of harmful malware that encrypts users’ files and demands a ransom for their release.

It typically spreads via phishing emails or compromised websites. Preventing these threats involves a combination of robust intranet security practices like regular software updates, reliable security software, and user education on safe practices.

2. Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks refer to deceptive emails, messages, or websites that trick users into revealing sensitive information like credit card details, bank account numbers, residential addresses, etc.

Phishing messages can also include links that, upon clicking, install malware on the user’s system. Unauthorized access to the intranet via the user’s system can lead to security breaches and data thefts.

3. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack floods the intranet network with excessive traffic from multiple sources, disrupting internal services and causing outages. Effective protection involves traffic monitoring, rate limiting, and redundant systems to ensure service continuity.

4. Hacking and Data Interception During Transit

Unauthorized access to data while it is being transferred across networks can sometimes result in hacking and data interception. Hackers can also modify the data in its transit phase.

Therefore, it is important to employ robust encryption techniques, safe communication routes, and frequent network security evaluations even when data is being transferred within the intranet network.

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Best Practices for Intranet Security

Research reveals that 82% of data breaches involve a human element. Consequently, organizations and businesses need to implement some intranet security best practices to ensure the safety of their system and information. Mentioned here are five best practices you can follow to create a secure intranet system.

1. Create a Strong Security Policy

First and foremost, it is important to comprehensively understand the various possible intranet security threats and create security policies that cover all types of threats.

The policies should include procedures for all activities users do on the intranet, such as data management, sharing files, accessing company data, attending meetings, and more. Additionally, the security policy should make it mandatory to only use the intranet through safe and secure networks.

2. Educate and Train Employees

After setting up strong security policies, move on to training and educating your employees. Provide them with comprehensive sessions about intranet security and why it is important.

Only when they fully understand the importance of intranet security will they be able to follow security protocols and mechanisms strictly. If you have employees working remotely, ensure they are also well aware of the intranet access protocols and processes.

3. Implement Secure Login Protocols

Use safe login procedures such as SAML-based Single Sign-on (SSO) to allow users to access your intranet via the identity provider (IdP) of your business.

SSO’s primary objective is to secure application authentication, as these are frequently the source of security lapses and provide hackers with a possible point of entry into a company or identity.

4. Data Encryption

Data encryption is another way to ensure only people with access to the decryption key can access data. It is used to safeguard the privacy of digital information as it is transferred over networks such as the intranet and kept on computer systems.

5. Regular Audits and Compliance

Regular compliance assessments and audits ensure all the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the intranet security considerations are timely addressed.

It is recommended all organization’s intranet security practices should be objectively assessed through audits, which should be carried out by both internal teams and outside specialists. The results of these audits ought to be applied to strengthen current regulations and close any compliance gaps.

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Solutions for Common Intranet Security Issues

Mentioned here are some more solutions that can address common intranet security issues and threats:

1. Unified Security Platforms

Integrate multiple security functions into a single solution, like consolidating risk management, intrusion detection, firewall protection, and data encryption. This centralization simplifies administration, improves coordination, and enhances response times by providing a comprehensive view of network security.

2. Advanced Threat Detection Tools

In the continually advancing digital landscape, various advanced threat detection tools leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence can also be used to detect threats. These modern-day tools provide quick responses and reduce the risk of damage due to cyber-attacks and data leaks.

3. Access Control and Monitoring

Regular monitoring and access control are also important to ensure only authorized personnel access the network. Continuous monitoring and logging of user activity and network traffic help detect and respond to suspicious behavior or access attempts.

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It is safe to say that organizations and businesses must follow robust security measures to protect their intranet networks. Some key solutions mentioned in the guide, such as leveraging digital tools, regular monitoring and audits, data encryption, and more, can go a long way in strengthening your organization’s and employee intranet security.

Lastly, investing in these areas helps protect critical data and ensures the integrity and availability of intranet resources, fostering a secure and resilient organizational environment.

If you want to learn more about intranet security and best practices, reach out to us today at Engagedly.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the security concerns of the intranet?

Some of the common intranet security concerns are insider threats, data leaks, phishing attacks, network vulnerabilities, insufficient monitoring and audits, insecure communication, and more.

2. What is intranet security?

Intranet security refers to measures and techniques implemented to protect the organization’s internal network from cyber attacks and vulnerabilities.

3. How to avoid external intranet threats? 

To avoid external intranet threats, various measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, data encryption, access controls, and traffic monitoring, can be employed.

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