
Untapped Potential of Internal Influencers in Communications Strategy

The Role of Internal Influencers in Communications Strategy

The Role of Internal Influencers in Communications Strategy

Last updated on July 29, 2024 at 11:25 am

You’ve just launched a fantastic new company initiative. It’s innovative, efficient, and poised to revolutionize your team’s work. Yet, weeks later, adoption is slow, and confusion fills the breakroom. What went wrong?

The answer often lies in a communication gap.

Studies show that 86% of employees and businesses cite ineffective communication as a major cause of workplace problems. Thankfully, there’s a strategic solution waiting to be tapped: internal influencers.

Internal influencers are the trusted voices within your organization. They’re the colleagues people turn to for advice, the ones who discuss and inspire action. By leveraging their influence, you can bridge communication gaps and enhance your internal communications strategy.

We will look at answering three strategic questions:

  • What is the internal influencer strategy?
  • What is the strategic role of internal communication?
  • What is internal communications responsible for?

Let’s begin with how you can harness the power of internal influencers to drive positive change within your organization.

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Who are Internal Influencers?

Effective communication within an organization is the bedrock of success. Studies by Gallup show that companies with strong internal communication are 20% more likely to achieve their financial targets. However, traditional top-down messaging can only go so far in the internal influencer communication strategy.

This is where internal influencers step in. These are your employees – from all levels – who command respect, possess strong communication skills, and naturally influence their colleagues. By leveraging their voice and perspective, you can create a more dynamic and impactful communication strategy. Here’s what defines them:

Characteristic Description
Trusted Advisors Employees are known for their reliability and good judgment. Colleagues seek them out for advice on both professional and personal matters.
Respected Figures Individuals who inspire trust and admiration. This respect can come from their expertise, work ethic, or positive attitude.
Communication Powerhouses Those with strong written and verbal communication skills. They can clearly explain ideas, engage audiences, and tailor messages to different groups.

The Key Takeaway

Internal influencers can emerge from any level of the organization, not just leadership. They might be the team leader who consistently delivers innovative solutions, the HR representative known for their empathy and clear explanations, or even the new hire who brings fresh perspectives and asks insightful questions. Their influence stems from their genuine connection with colleagues, not their position on the organizational chart.

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Why Leverage Internal Influencers?

While important, traditional communication channels can often lack a key ingredient: trust. Employees who are bombarded with information and messages from leadership can sometimes feel distant or impersonal. This is where internal influencers shine.

Here’s how they can supercharge your communication strategy:

1. Increased Employee Engagement

Let’s face it: sometimes, the most impactful messages come from those we can relate to. Statistics show that employees are far more likely to trust information from a peer than from traditional top-down communication channels. By leveraging this internal network of trusted voices, you can create a communication strategy that resonates with your workforce and gets results. 

Internal influencers, by their shared experiences and understanding of company culture, can translate complex messages into relatable narratives that resonate with their peers. This encourages a sense of trust and transparency, leading to increased employee engagement.

2. Improved Information Dissemination

Consider a company-wide initiative. You roll out a detailed plan, but the message gets diluted as it trickles down the chain of command. Internal influencers can act as communication bridges, amplifying key messages across departments and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Their deep understanding of their colleagues’ needs and challenges allows them to tailor the information for maximum impact. Additionally, their strong communication skills enable them to translate complex jargon into easy-to-understand language, ensuring everyone grasps the essence of the message.

3. Enhanced Culture Building

Company culture isn’t built in a boardroom; it thrives on everyday interactions and shared experiences. Internal influencers can be powerful advocates for your company’s values. They can champion positive behaviors, recognize achievements, and promote a sense of community and belonging among employees. This, in turn, leads to a more positive and productive work environment.

By leveraging the power of internal influencers, you can create a communication strategy that not only informs but also inspires and motivates your employees. They are the bridge between leadership and the workforce, ensuring a smooth flow of information and encouraging a culture of trust and engagement.

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Identifying Internal Influencers

There’s no single right answer when it comes to identifying internal influencers. The key is to look for individuals who demonstrate the characteristics we discussed earlier: trusted, respected, and strong communicators.

By utilizing a multi-pronged approach, you can uncover a diverse group of internal influencers who can amplify your communication efforts:

1. Employee Engagement Surveys

Employee engagement surveys are a treasure trove of information. Look for individuals who consistently score high in areas like communication, trust in leadership, and willingness to help colleagues.

These are strong indicators of someone who is respected and valued by their peers. 72% of employees expect their leaders to be good communicators. Such survey results provide valuable insights into who your employees trust and respect.

2. Social Media Activity (Internal Platforms)

Many organizations have internal social media platforms or communication channels. Analyze these platforms to see who consistently generates likes, comments, and shares. These individuals are likely engaging with content and sparking conversations, suggesting they have a knack for communication and influencing others.

3. Participation in Company Initiatives and Discussions

Look beyond titles and hierarchies. Observe who actively participates in company initiatives, volunteers for committees, and consistently offers valuable contributions during meetings or discussions. These individuals demonstrate a genuine interest in the company’s success and are likely well-connected within the organization.

4. Formal Nomination Process

Consider establishing a formal nomination process where employees can anonymously identify their peers who they consider to be influential. This can be a great way to surface individuals who may not be as visible through other methods.

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Engaging with Internal Influencers

By promoting a culture of trust, empowerment, and collaboration, you can turn your internal influencers into your greatest communication assets. They’ll become your voice within the organization, amplifying your messages, promoting a positive culture, and ultimately driving employee engagement and success.

Identifying your internal influencers is just the first step. To know their full potential, you need to cultivate strong and genuine relationships. Here’s how:

Strategy Description
Build Trust and Transparency
  • Hold regular meetings to update them on company initiatives
  • Address concerns and answer questions
Empowerment is Key
  • Provide training on communication best practices
  • Offer access to company data and resources
  • Include opportunities to develop public speaking skills
Formalize the Network (Optional)
  • Establishing a formal program for collaboration
  • Authenticity is key; strong relationships are crucial

Success Stories: Examples of Internal Influencers in Action

The power of internal influencer strategy isn’t just theoretical. Here are a couple of real-world examples showcasing how internal influencers have positively impacted communication within organizations:

1. Boosting Employee Engagement at Deloitte

Deloitte, a multinational professional services network, leveraged internal influencers to address declining employee engagement. They identified a group of passionate employees from various departments and trained them on communication best practices.

These influencers then hosted “fireside chats” with senior leaders, creating a more approachable and engaging platform for employees to learn about company initiatives and ask questions. The result? A significant increase in employee engagement scores.

2. Driving Cultural Change at IBM

IBM, a leading technology company, implemented an internal influencer program to foster a culture of innovation. They identified employees who exemplified the company’s core values and empowered them to share their stories and experiences through various communication channels. This not only boosted employee morale but also encouraged a more collaborative and innovative work environment.

These are just a few examples, but they highlight the transformative potential of internal influencers. By harnessing their voice and influence, organizations can create a more engaged, informed, and successful workforce.

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Challenges and Considerations

While internal influencer strategies offer significant benefits, there are also some challenges to consider:

Challenge Description
Alignment with Company Messaging Influencers need to be aligned with core messages and values. Clear communication guidelines are essential to avoid confusion.
Managing Multiple Voices Diverse perspectives are a strength, but a framework for consistent messaging is needed to ensure all voices complement each other.
Ongoing Training and Support Provide regular updates, communication best practices, and opportunities to develop skills for continued success.


Having influencers in any communication plan is highly beneficial. By utilizing their influence, trustworthiness, and communication abilities, you can foster a workforce that’s more engaged, knowledgeable, and connected.

By establishing connections, supporting your influencers, and tackling any obstacles that may arise, you can steer your organization toward success. Therefore, the significance of influencers in communication strategies cannot be overstated.

In this regard, try The Employee App to streamline your organization’s communication processes. With this best-in-class internal communication solution for businesses, you can be rest assured that all your messages reach respective employee irrespective of their position in your company.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are internal influencers just managers?

Internal influencers can be any employee, from entry-level to senior management, who is trusted and respected by their colleagues.

2. How can I find internal influencers?

Look for employees who actively participate in company initiatives, surveys, and social media platforms (if applicable).

3. What are the benefits of an internal influencer program?

Benefits include increased employee engagement, improved information flow, and a stronger company culture.

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