Keep manufacturing employees safe & boost productivity with direct communication.
theEMPLOYEEapp is an employee engagement & communication app made for frontline workers in manufacturing. We understand the challenges of getting critical, time-sensitive updates to manufacturing teams, and building culture & engagement, all while maintaining a safety culture.

Streamline & Simplify Comms
Manufacturing workers don’t have time to check multiple channels while on the floor. That’s why our app is a central hub of resources and information.

Ensure Shop Floor Safety
Decreasing safety incidents is a top manufacturing goal. Give employees access to trainings, safety reminders, and knowledge checks all from one mobile platform.

Improve Union Relations
An equitable, targeted & personalized internal comms strategy can help build a positive culture. Target content across multiple profiles to reach your audiences.

Challenges in Manufacturing
Safety and efficiency are always top of mind, but employee relations, engagement, and digital experiences are just as important.
Low engagement. Gallup research shows that only 33% of employees are engaged across all sectors. But only 25% of manufacturing employees are engaged at work.
Labor shortage. With over 25% of the manufacturing workforce being 55+ there may be a shortage of 2 million workers in the industry by 2030.
Digital transformation. Manufacturing companies who embrace digital transformation and data-driven processes are more competitive than those that don’t (IndustryWeek and Oracle).
The Power of Communication in Manufacturing Industries
How you communicate with your manufacturing workforce makes all the difference for hiring, retaining, and engaging your workers.
Hiring and retention. With a looming labor shortage, finding staff and creating excellent employee experiences for them is essential.
Reskilling. One strategy for retention (and improved efficiency) is to focus on reskilling and developing your existing workforce.
Diversity. To fill open positions and unlock new levels of innovation, manufacturers have to focus on DEI.
Key Employee App Features for Manufacturing
Create and organize impactful internal communications for your frontline and deskless workforce.
Push Notifications & Alerts send instant notifications to employees in a crisis/urgent situation
Read Receipts help you track compliance
Content Hub & Search make it easier & faster to find information
Reach employees without needing an email address
Employee App ROI in Manufacturing
Manufacturing customers have achieved some big wins with their employee apps.
Increase culture and employee engagement scores.
Reach high adoption even among your hard to reach teams.
Improve safety compliance and reduce safety incidents.
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“I love that we finally have a way to effectively engage and communicate with employees while out of the office.”
“We have employees who don’t take their computers home or have work email on their phones. This helps them stay connected no matter where they are.”
“Our employees appreciate an app that keeps them up-to-date. theEMPLOYEEapp has exceptional service and provide quick responses.”
“The app keeps our team members connected. A lot of our team members use shared workstations, this allows them to have access on their own devices.”
Manufacturing Success Stories:
Waupaca Foundry: Opens Up Access
Over 50% of Waupaca Foundry’s employees did not have access to a computer or email at work. This meant important information did not reach everyone. Learn how they transformed employee communication with the app.
Kreg Tool Company: Launching During Crisis
Half of Kreg Tool’s employees work on the manufacturing plant floor and didn’t have access to their existing comms channels. Learn why they selected theEMPLOYEEapp during COVID-19 to solve their communications challenges.
Polyconcept: Connecting People
Polyconcept’s Senior Manager of HR, Culture, and Communication uses theEMPLOYEEapp to connect their employees to business goals, leadership, and the greater mission of the company.
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