two frontline workers in healthcare communicating

Whitepaper: The State of Frontline Worker Communication (2023 Update)

As experts in mobile worker communication, we understand the needs of deskless employees. So, we are always looking for data on the deskless worker. While there are many great annual surveys and reports—including the State of the Sector—we always feel like the data is a little lacking or slanted towards comms trends for deskbound employees.

But since 80% of the global workforce doesn’t sit behind a desk for work, we see a need to fill this research gap. That’s why we have surveyed 1,000 frontline workers in 2021 and 2022 to learn about the state of frontline worker communication. Download our free report and learn about the current trends and our recommendations for how to take action.

Our State of Frontline Worker Communications Report Includes:

  • How satisfied frontline workers and managers are with the number of messages they receive.
  • Employee engagement rates of frontline workers (also broken down by managers vs. non-managers).
  • Satisfaction with pandemic comms (2021).
  • Willingness to use a personal device (BYOD) to receive company communications.
  • Employee trust in managers versus their company.
  • Topics the deskless workforce cares about.
  • The channels teams receive information on and the channels they wish they got messages on.
  • Improvements that need to be made with internal comms.
  • Open-ended feedback about how frontline workers feel about internal communications.

Who Are Frontline Workers?

Do you want to know more about who frontline and deskless workers are and how to communicate with them? We have tons of other resources for you:

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