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How to Utilize Video to Humanize Corporate and Employee Communications?

In today’s digital era, information overload is a significant challenge, inundating us with emails, reports, and constant notifications that can overwhelm and distract us from important tasks. But what if there was a way to cut through the noise and connect with your employees on a deeper level? Video communication is the answer. They bring a human touch to your message, transforming dry announcements

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Corporate Intranet: Definitions and Reasons Why You Need It

Have you ever considered how great it would be to have a corporate intranet that changed how people in an organization communicate and work together? A corporate intranet is essentially a firm’s private network where its employees share information and collaborate. The original idea was just a repository for company documents and policies. They have evolved into interactive real-time collaboration tools, social interaction tools,

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Benefits Of Utilizing Video For Internal Communications With Frontline Workers?

Reaching frontline workers effectively is a perennial challenge in traditional communication settings. Often away from desks and reliant on infrequent access to digital tools, these employees frequently miss out on important updates and organizational changes conveyed through conventional channels like email or printed bulletins. This gap in communication can lead to decreased engagement and a lack of uniformity in executing

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How to Distribute Your Internal Communication Videos Effectively?

One of the most recent trends in internal communication is the increasing use of video content. This is because video communication is helping business owners in removing the gap between team members, while also adding a human touch to the internal communications. Thus, it is no surprise that a study found more than 80% of employees prefer video over other forms of

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Top 10 Internal Communication Tools for Deskless Workers in 2024

Studies have found that 80% of the global workforce do not sit behind their desks to do their jobs. This makes them part of the deskless workers who are making major contributions to essential industries like manufacturing, retail, and logistics. However, these are the groups of workers who have benefited the least from technological advancements. Despite the fact that 75% of deskless workers spend most of

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How to Address the Digital Gap in a Deskless Organization

“Digital inclusion is not just a matter of access but a matter of equity.” This line highlights a critical issue that deskless businesses now face: the digital divide. Some deskless workers might not have as much access to digital resources and tools as their colleagues in offices. This disparity in work contentment and turnover rates can impact a company’s overall success. The

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