
Strategies to Create Engaging Internal Communication Content

How to Create Engaging Internal Communication Content?

How to Create Engaging Internal Communication Content?

Last updated on May 28, 2024 at 12:49 pm

Receiving an email alert about a company update often leads to it being swiftly buried among countless digital distractions, unnoticed, and lost in the vast sea of information. Unfortunately, this scenario is widely seen in many companies, as internal communication struggles to get employees involved. To address this problem, companies need to focus on clear, concise, and engaging communication that stands out and grabs employees’ attention. 

Nevertheless, the impact of internal communication content should not be underestimated. It holds the potential to educate, motivate, and unite workers towards a shared objective. This ultimately boosts efficiency across the company.

If you are unsure or find yourself at a loss for how to develop an internal communication plan, we have the answer for you. This blog post will delve into the skill and knowledge of producing engaging internal communication content that attracts interest and reinforces a positive company culture. Let’s begin!

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Understanding Your Audience

Getting to know your audience is the key rule in communication. Similar to how an experienced chef personalizes each meal to cater to the preferences of their guests, internal communicators need to customize their content to fit the distinct preferences of their staff. 

Segmentation is essential, whether it be for tech-savvy developers who want small updates or the sales team in search of success stories. However, what makes personalized internal communication significant?

Picture a scenario in which a company sends an email communication regarding a software update to all staff members, even those who do not utilize that software in their everyday duties. This may result in employees becoming disconnected and annoyed as they believe they are wasting time on irrelevant information. By tailoring internal communication, companies can make sure that each employee gets the necessary information to remain involved and efficient.

To achieve this purpose, segmenting your audience by department, location, or job function can help tailor the message to be relevant and valuable to each individual. This personalized approach can increase employee satisfaction and overall efficiency within the organization or role. Such an approach can further help highlight the value proposition of the information being shared, leading to better understanding and retention among employees. 

1. Content is King (and Queen)

Content rules as king or queen in the digital world. Unlike the past, when content was primarily limited to written materials and presentations, the modern digital landscape offers a diverse range of information-sharing methods, such as videos, infographics, and interactive tools. Nevertheless, the quantity of information that employees are encountering has proven to be troublesome. 

Excess information can result in employees feeling confused, less productive, and disengaged. Organizations need to meticulously select and customize content to make sure it is pertinent, captivating, and easily understandable for employees.

Hence, it is essential to create informative, visually engaging, and interactive internal communication content to help employees readily comprehend and remember the information being provided. Let’s examine ways to make your internal communication content noticeable.

Variety is Key

Long gone are the days of lengthy memos that caused glazed eyes. Instead of sticking with a single content format, explore a range of formats, such as engaging blogs, attention grabbing videos, and visually stunning infographics. Each format has its own strengths and is suitable for different use cases. 

Blog posts are great for providing in-depth information, being easy to reference, and being shared and archived; they are ideal for detailed company updates, policy explanations, and thought leadership pieces. 

Short videos offer high engagement and visual appeal, effectively conveying emotions and tone, making them perfect for quick updates, executive messages, product launches, and training snippets. 

Infographics simplify complex information in a visually appealing and easy-to-digest manner. They are best used for summarizing reports, displaying statistics, and explaining processes or workflows. Employee spotlights personalize communication, boost morale, and foster a sense of community by highlighting employee achievements, sharing team member stories, and introducing new hires.

The Power of Storytelling

Stories have the unique power to connect with employees on an emotional level, making information more relatable and memorable. By sharing personal experiences and narratives, organizations can foster a deeper sense of connection and engagement among employees

For instance, highlighting employee achievements not only recognizes individual efforts but also inspires others by showcasing real-life examples of success within the company. 

Sharing stories of overcoming challenges can be particularly impactful as they resonate with employees’ own struggles and triumphs, creating a sense of solidarity and motivation. Furthermore, these stories can illustrate the company’s values and culture in a way that formal communications often cannot. By incorporating such stories into internal communications, organizations can build a stronger, more emotionally connected workforce.

Visual Appeal

Incorporating high-quality images, illustrations, and animations into internal communication is crucial for capturing and retaining employees’ attention. 

Visuals not only enhance the overall aesthetic but also play a significant role in breaking up text-heavy content, making information more digestible and engaging. 

High-quality images can vividly illustrate concepts, infographics can simplify complex data into easy-to-understand graphics, and videos can convey messages dynamically, capturing nuances of tone and emotion that text alone cannot. 

By integrating these visual elements, companies can ensure that their communications are not only more appealing but also more effective in delivering key messages and fostering understanding among employees.

Also Read: Internal Communication Strategy Checklist

2. Keeping it Engaging

The hustle and bustle of the corporate world makes capturing and maintaining employee interest a game-changer for internal communication. Let’s explore some thrilling tactics to ensure your messages stand out, spark curiosity, and ignite lively interaction among your team.

Headlines That Hook

Crafting clear, concise, and curiosity-sparking headlines is essential for grabbing employees’ attention and encouraging them to engage with the content. 

Effective headlines should use action verbs and be short and sweet. They should give a clear indication of the content while piquing interest. For example, “Boost Your Skills with These Quick Training Tips” is more engaging than “Training Information.”

Write for Scanability

Incorporating elements of scanability into internal communication is vital for ensuring that messages are easily digestible and comprehensible to employees. Utilizing bullet points, subheadings, and ample white space improves readability by breaking up dense text and allowing for quick information absorption. 

This formatting technique enables busy employees to navigate through the content efficiently, focusing on key points without feeling overwhelmed by lengthy paragraphs.

Additionally, keeping sentences concise and avoiding jargon further enhances scannability. Clear and straightforward language minimizes confusion and ensures that the message is understood by all team members, regardless of their level of expertise or familiarity with the topic.

Two-Way Street

Communication is a discussion, not a monologue. So, don’t just broadcast your message; invite employees to join the conversation as well. 

Encouraging employee interaction through comments, polls, or Q&A sessions allows team members to voice their opinions, ask questions, and contribute to discussions. This not only empowers employees to feel heard and valued but also promotes transparency and open dialogue within the organization.

Moreover, highlighting user-generated content, such as employee shoutouts and project updates from different teams, reinforces a sense of community and recognition. By showcasing the achievements and contributions of individuals and teams, organizations can celebrate successes, inspire others, and strengthen team morale.

Overall, embracing a two-way street approach to internal communication creates opportunities for meaningful engagement, knowledge sharing, and relationship building among employees.

Following these steps to create an internal communication plan can help the organization promote a culture of transparency and teamwork.

Let’s Sum Up

Creating engaging internal communication content requires a strategic blend of clarity, relevance, and creativity. By understanding your audience, utilizing a variety of formats, and encouraging interaction, you can foster a more connected and informed workplace. Regularly soliciting feedback and measuring the impact of your communications will also help you refine your approach and maintain high levels of engagement. With these strategies in place, your internal communications will not only inform but also inspire and unite your team, driving overall organizational success.

Also Read: A Guide to Completing an Internal Communications Audit

Frequently Asked Questions

How can organizations know what kind of content will resonate with employees?

Conduct surveys, feedback sessions, and analytics to understand your target audience better. Experiment with various formats and collect data to determine what creates the greatest engagement.

How can I ensure internal communication content remains confidential?

Use secure channels and adhere to company policies regarding data protection and confidentiality. Regular audits and updates to security protocols can further safeguard sensitive information.

How can I keep internal communication content fresh and engaging over time?

Experiment with different formats, topics, and delivery methods, and stay attuned to evolving employee interests and preferences. Regularly incorporating feedback and new ideas will keep your content dynamic and relevant.


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